Senin, 28 Januari 2008


Yes, a spiky sandals therapy is the term I come up with to understand all the troubles and problems I have been facing recently. The idea of wearing one of those spiky sandals that made my feet hurt, in combination with how it supposed to make you healthier (by making your blood circulates better around the spots on your feet), representing the whole feelings of ups and downs haunting these days of my life. A therapy should be able to make you feel better when you’re sick, make you enjoy life with happy feelings rather than guilt over something you’ve done in the past, or make you cope with your inabilities, and focus on what you’re best at. A spiky sandals therapy for me hurts badly at the beginning, but after I got used to it, the results started to show. It felt like coming out of the darkness of a long cave where I trapped for a couple of centuries, and walking proudly toward the light. That, my friends, is when you understand that difficulties made by those hands above to make you stronger to face the world. When you understood all the points mentioned above, I welcome you to the world of spiky sandals therapy.

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