Senin, 28 Januari 2008

Free, a piece of public furniture

Images of Free

A few months ago, there was a competition to create an innovative public furniture. In response, I designed a public furniture called free, which although it failed to deliver the result I expected, still, I had a good exercise on executing the design.

Poster made of stitches of early sketches.

The theme I proposed on the design is to create a flexible piece of public furniture which also safe from the hands of some irresponsible people. It is no longer a secret that public facilities in Indonesia are not well maintained, and mostly, damaged by those people. For example, it is rare to find a functioning public phone, and, well, if it is still functioning, then there will be many “artful paintings” on it.

The flexibility of free, this is how I called this piece of furniture, is its ability to be arranged into several configurations, for different kinds of activities. It is easier so understand those configurations through pictures, so here we go.

Sit in the middle?

Just had a family discussion?

Need a large space to sit?

Too crowded to share space?

Mind your own business, people! :)

As you can see, there are several chairs attached to the ground in a square composition. These chairs can be moved into several positions, which then leads to the configurations as pictured above. The movements are based on the chairs rail system, consist of several railing paths, and a wheel attached to the bottom of each chairs. This way, it is possible for the chairs to move according to its paths, while also difficult for some people to take these chairs back to their homes, gegege. Well, the piece is already relatively heavy in the first place (It has to be made of white cement material, the sponsor of the competition.)

Free, is a piece of public furniture which then I used to form an amphitheatre and plaza on Jogjakarta Mediatheque. It may failed to deliver on the competition, but it has a significant impact on my final project (which you have to be patient to have a glimpse on it).

Yes, wait.

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