Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

A Blazing Bike, The Blaze

Today’s entry will be about a bike design I did for a competition a few months ago. The theme of the competition is to develop a bike design that is innovative and suits well for its user as well as helpful on creating unison of human and nature. Well, my individual purpose of creating this bike is well off the theme actually. I personally think that a bike has to be wickedly cool. All functions aside, a bike has to be something that its user proud to have in his or her garage. So, here I present to you, a cool bike for you to feast upon, the blaze. (Well, I have to admit, having watched the Ghost Rider, the main character’s name kind of stuck in my head, Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider, with his cool skeletal motor bike.)

Initial sketch of the bike's form.

Small details of the blaze.

Size and measurements of the bike.

Detailed ideas within the frame.

Speedometer and odometer?

And here are the bike in actions!

Action One!

Action Two!

Action Three!

My man in red!

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